It was as though my nightmares had all come alive
My worst fears resurrected which had died
The shock hit me like a bolt and made me subside
Even the tears did not respond and silent were the cries
The fan, just like me, had bent and broken
It had bowed to bid the final goodbyes
The lights understood and had all gone dark
They did not want to disturb the peace in her eyes
Her eyes were open and the smile mocked me
I am at peace now, away from the world we despise
Will you not come again to find me
Wasn't your love real and will you abandon it now with a lie
She had said she would do it one day for me
And now the question lay there staring at me
Suicide is cowardice, all life I was taught
Can I do it now, could this brave I be?
(pic courtesy:

The shock hit me like a bolt and made me subside
Even the tears did not respond and silent were the cries
The fan, just like me, had bent and broken
It had bowed to bid the final goodbyes
The lights understood and had all gone dark
They did not want to disturb the peace in her eyes
Her eyes were open and the smile mocked me
I am at peace now, away from the world we despise
Will you not come again to find me
Wasn't your love real and will you abandon it now with a lie
She had said she would do it one day for me
And now the question lay there staring at me
Suicide is cowardice, all life I was taught
Can I do it now, could this brave I be?
(pic courtesy:
T poem presents or reveals a new dimension with evry read,n am only just 2 the 2nd time.
Poignant and delves into a man's darkest thght in his darkest hour.
Keep writing..
n waiting 4 t nxt one..
Dude this is probably the most despondent poem I've read in a long time. One has died. Now will the other do it? Dunno. What is right and what is wrong? Isn't life to be cherished or is everything nihilistic? So many questions and so difficult to answer them.
#Just saw Leaving Las Vegas Again and this read after that makes for a most despairing evening... :)
@subhra and sid : Ain't darkness and despondency helpful in a way? Always thought provoking and makes you realise the importance of what you have and what you're neglecting. Thanks for being constant readers.
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